About Us

Generations of Families have known Nilsen Company and the Nilsen family here in Humboldt County. A long standing relationship with our customers and the community has spanned multiple decades. The value of great customer service along with being family owned has helped our business to grow, change and become what it is today.
In 1896 Oscar Nilsen established Nilsen Company here in Eureka. The small store carried groceries, general household goods and offered delivery service. Soon the business grew adding sacked feeds, hardware, and ranching supplies. As the demand for agriculture based products grew, the focus on groceries became increasingly less. A larger barn was purchased to accommodate larger volumes of hay, fertilizer, fencing supplies, seeds and pet foods. A location in Ferndale was purchased to better serve the ranching and dairy needs in that area of the county. By this time the groceries were replaced with feed mills in Eureka and at Fernbridge.

Many changes have happened over the years but a few things have stayed the same. For five generations Nilsen Company has remained to be family owned and operated. And above all else, we continue to value providing products and services to our customers so that they can have and do their best.